Kin Wo is a leading sports bag manufacturer that produces gym bags, cycling bags and running waist bags, as well as phone armbands and sports backpacks. We make all of our bags out of high-quality fabrics that can absorb sweat and are relatively flexible and durable for intense activities.
In order to provide you the most competitive factory price as well as the premium bulk sports bags, our production process is thoroughly controlled to guarantee your ROI.
Kin Wo supports flexible MOQ for you to open your markets and boost your sports bags wholesale business, while the quick lead time and delivery time can help you stand out from your competitors and dominate your market!
In order to manufacture the most comfortable and premium sports bags, all the materials we use must go through rigorous raw materials tests including the tensile strength test, color fasten test, fabric weight test and more.
At the same time, the meticulous in processing tests and the 100% final product inspection will be conducted to ensure that the sewing, the appearance, and the craftsmanship are qualified and the bags are available to the markets.
The weak pressing of phone armbands can lead to leakage and therefore gets your phone wet, but the introduction of a high-frequency pressing machine can perfectly avoid this problem.
The high-frequency pressing machine can provide the phone armband with impeccable pressing to ensure strong water-resistance.
Reliable manufacturing and premium sports bags can definitely boost your business. Come and customize your sports bags with KinWo